A Shout Out to the First Super Heroes

A Shout Out to the First Super Heroes - Kenny, Karen, Jessi, Sam and Alli - The Bravest Kids in the Universe! Remember, It's All About the Love!

How the Super Heroes Club Bullying Prevention Program Works

For Teachers and Counselors

Teachers, you face every exasperating challenge in the book! You and your gifted students resent the time you spend on disciplining more disruptive kids. Parents on both sides of an incident, threaten to sue, press charges, or refuse to co-create success strategies. You may be reluctant to discuss discipline issues with school administrators, concerned that your contract will not be renewed. Physical or sexual assaults on your campus receive as little public attention as possible, leaving you wondering, whose team are you actually on. Counselors, with all due respect, offer unconditional love instead of hardcore strategies that make your experience more tolerable, if not more pleasurable.

Counselors, any attempt you make to strengthen the leadership skills of your students is met with resistance. Teachers, with all due respect, resent the time you take away from their ability to improve a students academic test scores. You are forced to deliver shallow character education curricuulm that doesn't make any real difference in the behaviors of your students. You go to bed each night wondering what will come up next - kindergarteners' sexting perhaps or worse?

Have I hit the nail on the head? Here it is, the hard and cold truth - you must join forces with one another AND your students! You could make it hard on yourself by bringing in the parent specialist, the school psychologist, the PTA president, the parents, and the principal (more likely, the assistant principal). You could also invite the after-school program director, a child guidance non-profit agency specialist, and a juvenile justice judge. Together, in one room, and in one moment, you will realize that this newly formed task-force of specialist, will complain, seldom agree and take time from your life. "What the Hell have I done," you will exclaim! Okay, maybe you didn't use your out loud voice, but you were thinking it!

Super Heroes Power Club members can:
- Run brightly colored tape strips down a cooridor, signaling students which side to walk on during a passing period.
- Conduct surveys to discover which areas of campus leave students feeling the most vulnerable.
- They can reward small acts of kindness by presenting a student with an honorary Super Heroes Club Sticker.
- They can create posters that reinforce the traits the exemplify.
- They can mentor younger students, illuminating themselves and relieving you of having to create a lesson plan.
- They can transform themselves from blood sucking baby vampires with attitueds into SUPER HEROES!

The Super Heroes Power Club - or - How to Survive the K-6th Grade Classroom Manual, offers twelve easy and effective lessons that can be co-facilitated. Teachers, you can spread the love by incorporating the lessons and reinforcing art therapy activities across disciplines. Newsletter Headlines: Lion's Coach takes on Power and Control! or Lion's Art Teacher of the Year takes on Virtual Bandits!

Bring it on!
Super Heroes Power Club - Unite!

Super Heroes Power Club Items

Super Heroes Power Club Items